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New Capabilities For EDiscovery Now Available

New capabilities help you manage eDiscovery in Microsoft Teams including the ability to apply legal hold to files and messages in private Teams channels. In addition, eDiscovery for Yammer is generally available today, while Advanced eDiscovery for Yammer is now available in public preview.

Compliance regulations and organizational processes require disclosure when a custodian is placed on a Legal hold but managing this process can be time consuming and difficult depending on what tools are available. Custodians for Legal hold (like Executives or Former Employees) typically require a similar notification based on their role within the organization, for which templates become extremely beneficial in reducing time to create, send and manage the notifications.

New capabilities for eDiscovery now available

If you're not an E5 customer, you can try all the premium features in Microsoft Purview for free. Use the 90-day Purview solutions trial to explore how robust Purview capabilities can help your organization manage data security and compliance needs. Start now at the Microsoft Purview compliance portal trials hub. Learn details about signing up and trial terms.

Training your IT administrators, eDiscovery managers, and compliance investigation teams in the basics for Content search, eDiscovery (Standard), and eDiscovery (Premium) can help your organization get started more quickly using Microsoft Purview eDiscovery tools. To help these users in your organization getting started with eDiscovery, see Describe the eDiscovery and audit capabilities of Microsoft Purview.

Yammer is working hard to integrate into the suite of security and compliance tools offered within the Office 365 Security and Compliance Centers. As a first step towards our goal of greater compliance capabilities, we are excited to announce that Yammer now supports eDiscovery for networks in Native Mode.

eDiscovery for Yammer is currently available to all Yammer networks that are in Native Mode. If your Yammer Network was provisioned after January 9th, 2020 then you are already in Native Mode by default and no additional action is necessary. Existing networks will need to use the Native Mode Alignment Tool in the Yammer Admin Center before accessing eDiscovery for Yammer. The Native Mode Alignment Tool will start rolling out to customers at the end of January 2020. Watch out for future blog posts with more details and learn more about eDiscovery in Yammer.

Once in Native Mode, all messages and files posted in your Yammer network will be available through the same eDiscovery tools you use to manage your data throughout the rest of the Office 365 suite. Within the eDiscovery module of the Security and Compliance Center you can search by user and retrieve their Yammer messages alongside other messages they have sent through Outlook, Teams, and other Microsoft applications. You can filter down to retrieve Yammer messages based on the author of the message, the recipient of the message, or the community the message was posted in.

General availability (GA): Trainable classifiers for auto-labeling policies. Trainable classifiers are now available for both auto-labeling for Office apps that use label settings (known as client-side auto-labeling) and auto-labeling policies (known as service-side auto-labeling). As a result, trainable classifiers are removed from the comparison table that lists only the differences between the two auto-labeling methods.

To meet the challenges of today's decentralized, data-rich workplace, we're introducing Microsoft Purview, a comprehensive set of solutions which helps you understand, govern, and protect your entire data estate. This new brand family combines the capabilities of the former Microsoft Purview Data Map and the Microsoft 365 compliance portfolio that customers already rely on, providing unified data governance and risk management for your organization.

If the organization uses 9500 GB a month, they will not get charged any additional fee for the API usage and there is no carry over of 500 GB to the following month. eDiscovery endpoint availabilityThe following eDiscovery endpoints are in preview and only available in beta.

Automated translations: Machine translation at the click of a button is now available in Viewpoint. Compatible with both cloud and on-prem translation solutions, this feature enables users to translate a single document or multiple documents into the desired language for review, and easily toggle between the original and translated versions from the review interface. With some of our clients requiring separate workflows for documents in various languages, this new feature allows users to translate documents on the fly without leaving their place in review or sending foreign language documents to a separate workflow.

Viewpoint eDiscovery 7.2 is available now. Stay tuned for more updates as our eDiscovery solution continues to evolve, using the power of Big Data, AI and automation to help our clients move legal insights forward.

The functionality of the legacy eDiscovery tools described in this article has either been removed from the Microsoft 365 service or is still available, but no longer supported. Any functionality that's still available may be removed without notice. If you're still using any of these legacy tools, consider migrating to the eDiscovery tools in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal or one of the alternatives described in this article.

The Get-MailboxSearch and Remove-MailboxSearch cmdlets will be available after the other *-MailboxSearch cmdlets are retired so that you can use them to help in your transition to other eDiscovery and hold tools. However, after a certain date (cited below) Microsoft Support will no longer supports these two cmdlets.

As per the original announcement on July 1, 2017, the In-Place eDiscovery & Hold functionality in the Exchange admin center (EAC) is being retired. The In-Place eDiscovery & Holds page in the EAC allowed you to search, hold, and export content from Exchange Online. In-Place eDiscovery also let you copy search results to a discovery mailbox so that you or other eDiscovery managers could review content and make it available for legal, regulatory, and public requests.

Because all of these capabilities (except for copying search results to a discovery mailbox) are now available in the content search, eDiscovery and eDiscovery (Premium) tools in the compliance portal (with improved functionality, reliability, and support for a wide range of Microsoft 365 services), we recommend that you start using these tools as soon as possible. To help you in the transition to these other eDiscovery tools, the table below lists the tools you can use instead of In-Place eDiscovery and In-Place Hold.

There are two ways to replicate this functionality today. The first is to use review sets in eDiscovery (Premium) v2.0. Review sets have many of the same capabilities you see in a traditional review tool like fast search of documents, tagging, email threading, near duplicate grouping, themes analysis, and predictive coding. If you still want to use discovery mailboxes for review, the second option is to export search results to PST files and then import the PST files to a discovery mailbox by using the PST import feature in the Microsoft compliance center.

Because these capabilities are now available in the compliance portal and Office 365 Security & Compliance PowerShell with improved performance and scalability, you should using these improved cmdlets. These cmdlets include *-ComplianceCase, *-ComplianceSearch, *-CaseHoldPolicy, *-CaseHoldRule, and *-ComplianceSearchAction.

eDiscovery (Premium) v1.0, which is the version of eDiscovery (Premium) available in a eDiscovery (Standard) case by selecting Switch to eDiscovery (Premium), is being retired. Its functionality has been replaced by the new eDiscovery (Premium) solution in the compliance portal.

The new eDiscovery (Premium) solution in Microsoft 365 (also known as eDiscovery (Premium) v2.0) provides all of the capabilities of the original solution, but now includes a custodian-based approach of identifying content in other Microsoft 365 services, collecting that content, and then adding it to a review set where reviewers can take advantage of fast search queries, tagging, and analytics features to help cull relevant documents. eDiscovery (Premium) now includes improved processing and native viewers for both Microsoft and non-Microsoft file types, a full list of file types is here and supported metadata fields are here. Also, the new eDiscovery (Premium) solution provides a powerful custodian holds management feature that lets you apply holds to content in different services, notify users of the holds, and track custodian responses, all within an eDiscovery (Premium) case.

The Microsoft Purview eDiscovery (Premium) solution builds on the existing Microsoft eDiscovery and analytics capabilities. eDiscovery (Premium) provides an end-to-end workflow to preserve, collect, analyze, review, and export content that's responsive to your organization's internal and external investigations. It also lets legal teams manage the entire legal hold notification workflow to communicate with custodians involved in a case. 2ff7e9595c

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